What's up blog!
As much as I'm oozing with good things about this project, I'll let you guys in on the less exciting details. I will be real with you guys and give you a debrief on how our progress is going (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
Even though I try to stay positive, often times it's also good to show how I overcame obstacles with my group. To start with the not as bad complaints, for the group discussion I had with my group, Candelaria wasn't able to attend school since she wasn't feeling well and so we didn't know how she felt over the topics we discussed. Also in that class, the WiFi was off the first hour of class, so we couldn't interact with our editing tools, but the other 30 minutes we were free.
Now, onto some of the bigger hurdles. One major challenge my group was syncing our footage with the diegetic sound we chose. On the other hand, the foley we had to recreate once again to match up correctly with the clips. I started searching up videos on what foley is (again) to see what I could perfect. I stumbled upon this video, and for the most part it really helped. Here's the link!
Although with the diegetic sound, we still are having issues with that, but with each group discussion, we tackle the obstacle little by little! For the most part, it makes it easier to know that this is a common issue and it's not just our group dealing with this. Although I will admit it is a pain in the butt.
Also, with the multiple takes on different angles, and getting everything to line up correctly was a headache. At first, it felt like we were stuck in a loop of mistakes. It took some time, but it made the whole editing process flow a lot smoother.I've been noticing that with a little creativity and some persistence, you can always find a way around the obstacles. I’m proud of how far we’ve come and can’t wait to see where we end up!
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