Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Production Day 3

 Hey blog! I hope you had an amazing day so far!

As you all know, I filmed at TAG USA with my group! Now, we get to the most vital part of the project: editing. Even though this is super important, I dread editing so much. 

Editing has literally always been the part of filmmaking I struggle with the most. Even though this falls between the post-production line, as I said, it's super crucial to the film. While I understand its importance, it's hard for me to get fully into it and enjoy it. I don’t have the patience to experiment with different techniques, and I sometimes find it difficult to manage all the systems involved. However, I know that taking the time to edit properly will make the final product much better. 

For our group, we’ve all decided started editing by working backward. Instead of beginning with the gym scenes, we started with the ones in Candelaria's/Arianna/Gianna's room. This lets us focus on small details that will matter more later in the film. While we haven’t gotten too far yet, we’ve already coordinated and organized all our clips while adjusting the lengths to avoid keeping scenes on screen for too long. We want to engage the audience, not bore them, as this is super vital in a film. In my midterm project, I got (sadly a lot of) feedback about lingering too long on some clips, so we as a group are making sure to keep things moving.

One challenge we’re facing is staying under the 2-minute time limit. Since we shot a lot of extra footage, it’s tough to fit everything in without cutting out important parts. Although I will admit, it's such much easier to "overfilm", and in the long run it helps SOOOO much. But of course we’re working through it!

For editing techniques, we’re focusing on jump cuts and inserts. Jump cuts help speed up time in a scene and are great for the gym parts, where we’ll be switching between shots of landings, floor, bar, and beam. This will show the passage of time and emphasize the character’s hard work and dedication. Below I'll be showing notes I took on each of the editing techniques with simple terminology to help me understand: 

Inserts are another editing technique that my group is utilizing to illustrate different angles of the same scene. This helps emphasizes the important details and makes the action clearer. It also can adds visual interest and gives us the chance to focus on things that might be missed.

Overall, editing can be frustrating, but I’m excited to see how everything comes together. It’s a lot of work, but in the end, it will be worth it.

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