Hey guys!
This weekend, my team and I started filming, and we’ll continue this week. This blog will mostly focus on our filming process. As this week wraps up I wanted to discuss how many challenges my group and I faced because as much as I love to sugarcoat, obstacles occur (and it's okay) but we have to get real and learn how to overcome them.
First, we started filming at Candelaria’s House. We planned to film on Saturday, but literally everything prevented everyone in the group to attend. Arianna which is our main character for the film, had to work as she got called for an emergency. Plus I got grounded for the weekend, so I wasn't able to come and help shoot either. So, the sane thing to do was plan another day. On Sunday, Oona, Arianna, and Candelaria all met up and were able to shoot. As for me being grounded, I was yet again not able to attend. But I'm free again!
With props, we had various issues but there are all resolved now. One vital prop for our film is a calendar. Since we all either have one in use (my whole family shares a calendar), or in my group's case, calendar is on our phone, we had no blank calendar. Oona originally told our group she had a blank one, but unfortunately her mom threw it away. Luckily, we realized Dollar Tree is a thing (inflation got to it though) and found a blank calendar. Our group is a drama sport genre, so we utilized medals to use as props, which was a fun reminder of past achievements. Now that we finally had everything all set, filming went smoothly.
Later, the second day of filming was in the gym, and it was a super stressful and complicated. TAG USA offers an “Open Gym” time, where the gym is basically open to everyone, but the owner of the gymnasium told us it wouldn’t be available this week.
So our luck was clearly running out and we quickly began to look for ways to record. Essentially, the earlier we record, the more time we have to clean up the clips, edit and just make the project as amazing as can be. Arianna and Oona both work at TAG USA so they asked the owner if our group could film on Friday night as opposed to Saturday, and the owner said yes. But then another problem resurface: our stunt double for Arianna, Camila, wasn't avaliable on Friday. Desperately, everyone in the group reached out to some old teammates. I asked numerous friends if they could, just for them all to tell me they were in New York and other in California. Luckily, Arianna and Oona's friend Valeria agreed help us record.
However, Valeria could only stay for half the filming time promised, and due to how far TAG USA was, 3 group members were running late, so Oona took the liberty in filming as she was already there working. Coincidentally, the outfits planned correlated to what Valeria was wearing, so whenever we need to change and mix up the actors, it looked clean and consistent.
Despite the challenges, it was a great weekend of filming, and I’m excited to continue working this week. Thanks and I hope you guys have an awesome chill weekend!